Our meetings are open to the public and you will be more than welcome to join us at any or all of them.
After trialling different start times for our Sunday services, our new start time for the Breaking of Bread service (and Sunday School) is 10.45 am. Bible Time follows, after a 15-20 minute coffee break.
Breaking of Bread (10.45 am, Sunday)
This meeting is a weekly celebration of the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, beginning with 10 minutes of family worship. This is our regular opportunity to strengthen and encourage each other, and to worship the Lord. The service is plain and simple and includes praise, prayer, Bible reading, some words of encouragement and the simple sharing together of the bread and wine.
Sunday School (10.45 am, Sunday)
We have a lovely group of youngsters who are part of our church family, and we are delighted to have their company as we walk the Christian road together. Sunday School meets at 10 am (starting with a shared all-ages 10 minute service in the main hall) — for praise, fun and learning from scripture.
We currently have 3 groups, ranging from early years to a class for teenagers. The aim of our Sunday School is to teach children about God and the Lord Jesus, and to help them to understand and appreciated God's love and purpose. To this end, our activities follow a 4-year programme provided by the Sunday School Union. We are blessed to have a great team of teachers who are dedicated to delivering sessions that are creative, fun, engaging and interactive.
Highlights of the year include the Sunday School party (usually in January), an outing (when the weather is better) and our annual presentation, where the children have an opportunity to share what they have been doing with the rest of the congregation.
Bible Time (around 11.45 -12 pm, Sunday)
Bible Time is a meeting that is for the benefit of all who are present, young and old, members of our fellowship and anybody else who wishes to join us. We have a variety of formats and styles, and each week we aim to look at a different theme from the Bible that will encourage and strengthen us all in our faith.
Ladies Tuesday Group (11 am Tuesday)
The Ladies' Tuesday Group is a positive, relaxed, and informal women's meeting. Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month are at the hall, starting with coffee, followed by a Bible discussion time and then lunch; this is a great opportunity to enjoy each other's company. You will be very welcome to join us if you are free and would like to share a good time in a friendly environment for an hour or two. On all other Tuesdays we meet on Zoom.
Bible Discussion Class (8pm, Wednesday)
These classes are currently held using Zoom. They involve a presentation on a wide range of Bible topics, followed by lively discussion in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. For many of our members, this is a highlight of the week!