Although Bible prophecy can be difficult to interpret, some predictions seem clear – for example, the return of Israel to their own land (fulfilled in 1948). The Brexit vote on Thursday, where Britain decided to leave the EU following a referendum, is consistent with prophecies traditionally interpreted to mean that Britain will collaborate with nations other than the EU at the time of Jesus’ return. However, there are other plausible interpretations of these prophecies. So, whist I think it's good to get excited when world events seem to fulfill Bible prophecies, it is probably better to reflect on the fact that God is in control of world events, Jesus will return at some point, and we should be ever-ready for this!
The Bible predicts an invasion of Israel around the time of Jesus’ return led by a ‘Northern’ confederacy of nations (see Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 & 39, Zechariah 14). Whilst it isn’t easy to ascribe specific modern nations to the ancient nations listed in these prophecies, it seems that the Northern confederacy will include Russia and countries from continental Europe. The Bible also speaks of a resistance to this invasion, which includes ‘Tarshish with its young lions’ (Eze38:13). Tarshish and her young lions are traditionally identified as Britain and the nations that have arisen from the British Empire (including the USA). If 'Tarshish and the young lions' refers to Britain and the nations that have arisen from the British Empire, it would seem odd for Britain to be part of the EU at the time that this prophecy is fulfilled if the countries in continental Europe are part of the Northern confederacy that invades Israel. This prompted many to predict – correctly as it turns out – that Britain would leave the EU.
However, I think it would be a mistake to say categorically that the Bible predicted the result of the referendum last Thursday. Tarshish could relate to other nations (e.g. Spain). Also, even if Tarshish does refer to Britain, there are other scenarios that would still be consistent with Bible prophecy with Britain remaining (or perhaps even returning) to the EU (for example, Britain in the EU but making different military alliances around the time of Jesus’ return).
So, whilst it's good to be excited when world events seem to fulfill Bible prophecy, it's healthy to remain open-minded to other possible interpretations. It’s also important to recognise that Brexit will result in upheaval and painful changes for many. However Brexit relates to Bible prophecy, God is firmly in control of world events (Daniel 2:21-22), and Jesus will return. We are told to look out for signs that this return may be soon, and to be ready (Mark 13:35-36)!
By Jon.